
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A Day Of Firsts

ごめん (gomen=I'm sorry)! I have to have one more small blog about yesterday before I get to bigger post. Yesterday was pretty interesting purely on the fact that I had so many firsts! I've been in Japan for almost 3 months now and I just had an entire day filled with first experiences.
  1. I had my first full Japanese conversation over the telephone. I have talked to exchange students on the phone but that was always in English. Today I spoke with my host sister, Shiho, about our plans for the day and it was entirely in Japanese (Keegan, who I was skyping at the time, is my witness!).
  2. I figured out what bus and trains to take to meet my sister- normally my host mom sets out the time of my buses and trains but I did it by myself yesterday!
  3. At the train station I managed to ask a lady if the train was going to the city I wanted to get to. I couldn't tell by looking at her but the second she spoke I realized she wasn't Japanese. Still, we were able to have a broken conversation in Japanese and I found out that she is from South Korea, her dad is Japanese, her sister is in Canada (close to the US), and that she can read kanji.
  4. Walked to a DVD rental shop with Shiho and got a membership card. So now I can rent movies, go to the post office, walk home (40min), and go grocery shopping all by myself.
  5. Went to Makudo and got a BigMac meal- Shiho ordered for us. Then I went up and bought us an apple pie thing- Shiho said I did a perfect job ordering in Japanese! WOOHOO!
  6. Finally, I learned how to knit! That's right, at this very moment I am knitting a scarf!
Sayonara from Osaka, Japan.

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