Rising Sun- Exile (My favorite Japanese song!... One of the three Japanese songs I know but still I like it)
I Do- Colbie Caillat (My relationship with Japan)
This last Saturday I was supposed to go to Nara but because I was sick we had to postpone that trip. Instead my host grandparents were going to come to my house around noon with KFC for lunch. Well, they ended up at our house at 9:30 am with a ton of food for lunch- in Japan the way to get better is apparently to eat a lot of food and then just keep eating more.
Ojiisan decided he wanted to test the water and see how refreshing it was- he approved. |
Kids enjoying the water |
Turns out a lot of the kids were catching Kaeru (frogs) that seemed to be everywhere! |
People swimming in the very pretty river. |
Ojiisan skipping some rocks. |
Just sooooo pretty. |
And there is my Hogan Brothers shirt! When I get home, free hogie here I come! |
Just thought the tree was very unique looking. |
The ice cream treats are sold in individual sizes only and the choices are really fun! |
A water dam that Ojiisan seemed to be very proud of. |
The next day I was in a pretty bad mood, just woke up to a bad day... but yeah for Rotary which completely turned my day around! This meeting was much better than my first district meeting. It was shorter and for a majority of the time the exchange students got to chill in a different room with the Rotex. We all introduced ourselves (I offered to go first! It's what being an exchange student is all about) and one Rotex told us about her exchange to Denmark. Then they told us about this program they are starting, which is basically the same thing as the X-group I started back home, where each Rotex member is a buddy to an exchange student- there to be a friend, hang out, teach Japanese, etc. This Rotex program also entails some fun day trips to other cities in Japan and some barbeques! After the explanation of the group we had free time to just talk. There is a new girl from Canada that I got a little time to get to know, but I mostly caught up with Mai and Tia and talked with Rotex.
Tia and I representing Minnesota!!! |
Our little Rotary Exchange Student Family. |
My view from where I sit in the Library. |
Reasons why I am so thankful to have Mark:
-he is the only other native speaker that I know of that lives in my area and that I can see/talk to on a regular basis at school
-he has offered to help teach me Japanese and about the Japanese culture
-he is the first person to understand the fact that I want to learn how to form a sentence! It is the grammar and lack of knowledge on verbs and particles that I have been struggling with the most- without those it makes it a bit difficult to form a simple sentence
-he doesn't like teaching out of textbooks. He says that they are good resources for if you have a lot of time but I am only here for a year so I need to know the important basics as of now (like verbs and particles). Thank goodness because that was what I was looking for but the other teachers here just keep buying me more textbooks! I have tried to ask them to stop and I will continue to try because I seriously have so many now that there really is no logic reason to have so many. I agree that textbooks are good and that I will keep working through the first couple I brought but am also glad to finally be moving forward at a faster pace with Mark
I have been dying to talk these next couple of pictures for a long time. The first picture is of the street I walk down in order to get to school! The second, third, and fourth are of a dinks vending machine. This vending machine is everywhere!- in reasonable locations like at a shopping center and busy areas but they are also in the middle of no where (like the one I pass as I walk to school). This vending machine also makes me laugh because I think of some friends back home every time I see one.
Can you find the car? |
Just a vending machine next to someones garden on a fairly empty street. |
Like a boss! |
After lunch I played FRISBEE with some friends! It has been over a month since I have played and I was really starting to miss it. Unfortunately I didn't have my camera on me to document this wonderful moment but maybe next time, my friends asked if we could play again tomorrow and of course I said yes! Playing with them is a bit different than what I am used to at home but what can you expect when they didn't even really know about frisbee until I came along and told them how much I love it.
One last thing then this blog will come to its end. Tonight I had another Rotary Club meeting (it was fun, I got to talk with Mai most of the time). So, after school I met Okaasan in Kawachinagano (where our connecting train is) for a quick dinner. She let me choose and I decided I was really craving a good burger. The last time I had one was when Shiho and I went to Namba (and that was at a McDonald's). We went to this cute little burger restaurant and I introduced Okaasan to french fries dipped in shakes! She loved it so much she almost the rest of her fries dipped in the shake... and not only dipped but back for seconds with a double dip! I love and respect my host mom but that just put it over the top! It was so fun.
Sayonara from Osaka, Japan.
1. Nice shirt :D
ReplyDelete2. That ice cream looks amazinggg
Yeah, that looks like something I would eat for dinner, but the meat would definitely be in some kind of curry. Also, I have no idea what that silverware is doing there!