
Saturday, September 15, 2012

Short and Sweet

Are you ready for this? You are about to read my shortest blog yet.

The only real reason I am blogging right now is to note that on this day, September 16, my dear little brother was born. Congrats Kale on turning 14! I hope you had a good birthday weekend and I am sorry I couldn't be there to celebrate it with you.

I feel like there should be a bit more to this blog... So, I will quick thank those of my friends and family who responded and spent a bit of time chatting with me yesterday. I really enjoyed being able to hear about how life is going back home.

Here is a picture for you since my blog still seems too little.
A boy holding a frog. I will explain more about who, what, when, where, and why at a later time.
Well, I am off to my second District Rotary Meeting. I am told that I don't have to give a speech this time but you never know... Besides not knowing if I have to speak Japanese in front of the entire club or not it should be a pretty good day. I will get to see the other exchange students and Rotex and we should have a grand ol' time.

Sayonara from Osaka, Japan.

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